5 Steps to Designing Effective Corporate Learning Programs for Healthcare Organisations

Tony Brennan
Designing effective corporate learning programs for healthcare organisations is crucial for ensuring that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to provide high-quality patient care and comply with regulations.

In this post, we will explore 5 key considerations and best practices for designing corporate learning programs for healthcare organisations.

1. Conduct a needs assessment

The first step in designing a corporate learning program is to conduct a needs assessment. This can be done by surveying employees to determine their current knowledge and skills, as well as areas where they feel they need additional training. This information can then be used to design a training program that addresses the identified needs.

For example, in a healthcare organisation, employees may need training on new technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs), or you might want to develop leadership skills amongst a particular group of doctors as part of providing opportunities for personal and professional development.

By identifying these specific needs, the training program can be tailored to ensure that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their job duties effectively.

2. Tailor the training program to the specific learning styles of employees

Different employees have different learning styles, and it is important, as much as possible, to ensure the training program is tailored to the specific learning styles of your workforce. This can be done by providing a variety of training methods, such as online courses and hands-on training. Additionally, it can be beneficial to incorporate a blended learning approach, which combines different types of training methods for maximum effectiveness.

For example, some employees may prefer classroom instruction, while others may prefer online courses. By providing a variety of training methods, employees can choose the method that works best for them. Additionally, by incorporating a blended learning approach, employees can benefit from the strengths of different training methods.

3. Make the training program easily accessible

It is important to make sure that the training program is easily accessible to all employees. This is usually done by providing online training materials and making them available via a learning management system (LMS). Additionally, it is also beneficial and common to have a designated person or team responsible for coordinating the training program and providing support to employees.

Online learning makes it even more convenient if employees can access everything they need from their mobile device, anytime, anywhere.

4. Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations and laws

When it comes to healthcare, it is crucial to ensure that all the training is compliant with your relevant regulations, laws and guidelines applicable to your organisation.

For example, in the US, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance is a crucial aspect of healthcare, and employees must be trained on HIPAA regulations and best practices.

Additionally, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations must also be followed, and employees must be trained on these regulations as well.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program

Finally, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. This should be done by measuring the changes in knowledge and skills of employees before and after the training, as well as by surveying employees to gather their feedback on the training program. Simply delivering training to tick a box is not an acceptable way to ensure competence and confidence amongst your workforce.

The focus needs to be on impact and outcomes. 

For example, by measuring the changes in knowledge and skills of employees before and after the training, it can be determined whether the training program was effective in achieving its goals. Additionally, by surveying employees to gather their feedback on the training program, it can be determined whether the training program was well-received by employees. All this data allows you to continue to improve and create a workforce centered on self-directed learners.

In conclusion, designing effective corporate learning programs for healthcare organisations requires careful consideration of the specific needs and outcomes required. I know it can be confusing and there is a lot to do but the rewards are there for organisations who prioritise high quality learning for their workforce.